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Mera Wala Fetal Face

Mera Wala Fetal Face!
Join the Sonobuzz contest that will select the best fetal photo amongst the entries of sonobuzz 2019.

  • Attractive prizes
  • Top 10 entries get free registration (refund of their conference registration to the event)
  • Best photo makes it to the RABUZZ Cover Jan2020 issue

1) Click to register: https://pages.razorpay.com/pl_CEpoDJ1NozA7ku/view
2) Once you are registered, you can participate in the contest
3) Send your singe fetal image as a jpeg or png or tiff or pdf file to indianradiologist1@gmail.com
4) Each image will be tagged a number. Your identity will be hidden from the judges.
5) Last date is 31 October 2019 midnight
6) Judges will interpret the images based on Quality & Aesthetic factors. They will announce the numbers on stage along with TOP 3 prizes -- these will be cash reqards/ gifts as per the decision of REEFA. ALL TOP 10 will be given a refund of their CONFERENCE REGISTRATION by cheque. TOP 3 will be given prizes as well.
7) IMAGE should belong to you, and use of a friend's or colleagues image is not permissible. Raw image has to be sent. There is no need to display the Center / Hospital name & date. No internet images allowed. Please do not display patient's name in the image that you provide us. Image cannot be digitally altered, or any graphics be superimposed on it. Patient name only can be hidden by a superimposed graphic or shading it.  Image size not greater than 5MB. 
8) Decision of judges is final.

Complete details of Sonobuzz 2019 : 

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